Charles W Colson
Tyndale House Publishers
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2000 Gold Medallion Award winner! Christianity is more than a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is also a worldview that not only answers life's basic questions-Where did we come from, and who are we? What has gone wrong with the world? What can we do to fix it?-but also shows us how we should live as a result of those answers. How Now Shall We Live? gives Christians the understanding, the confidence, and the tools to confront the world's...
2) Born again
Chosen Books : distributed by F. H. Revell Co
Pub. Date
In 1974 Charles W. Colson pleaded guilty to Watergate-related offenses and, after a tumultuous investigation, served seven months in prison. In his search for meaning and purpose in the face of the Watergate scandal, Colson penned Born Again. This unforgettable memoir shows a man who, seeking fulfillment in success and power, found it, paradoxically, in national disgrace and prison. In more than three decades since its initial publication, Born Again...
Pub. Date
Rightly understood and rightly communicated, the Christian faith is one of great joy. It is an invitation to God's kingdom, where tears are replaced by laughter and longing hearts find their purpose and their home. This is the heart of the gospel: God's search to reclaim us and love us as his own. But have we truly grasped this? Those of us who have disdained Christianity as a religion of bigotry-have we repudiated the genuine article or merely demonstrated...
HarperCollins Christian
Pub. Date
aIn his classic book The Four Loves, Lewis describes the four basic kinds of human love--affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God. Since this is the only commercial recording of C. S. Lewis that is available today, fans of his writing will desire to add this impressive recording to their collection. While Lewis's writings have impacted more evangelical Christians than perhaps any other writer, this audio product of the author's reading...