Columbia Pictures.
3) 1776
1776 is a delightful musical celebration of the founding of The United States of America. The story centers around the familiar historical characters as they organize a movement for independence from Mother England. All events lead up to that most significant date, July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc
Pub. Date
In Ghostbusters, the doctors Venkman, Stantz and Spengler suddenly find themselves downsized from the University's parapsychology department, they decide to go the entrepreneurial route, chasing down ghostly ghosts, unappetizing apparitions and the occasional insolent succubae. In Ghostbusters 2, the doctors Venkman, Stantz and Spengler regroup to nuke the spooks in this high-spirited comedy. Sidelined after their spectacular save of New York CIty...
Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, Inc
Pub. Date
Circus saxophonist Vladimir Ivanoff suddenly defects from his touring troupe in that temple of "Western decadence"--Bloomingdale's. Fleeing the K.G.B., Vladimir wins asylum and moves into the crowded Harlem flat of Black security guard Lionel Witherspoon. Though Vladimir learns that life in America can be cold and even painful, he grows to love this strange and wondrous new land.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Inc
Pub. Date
The black room: Murder and betrayal have darkened the once noble house of Berghman. Count Gregor is a degenerate killer who lures innocent victims into the castle's chamber of horrors. According to prophecy, Gregor is to be murdered by his brother. When his brother is summoned to the castle, they become locked in a terrifying struggle to the death.
The man they could not hang: In the first of his celebrated "Mad Doctor" series, Karloff is Dr. Savaard,...
9) Fright night
Columbia TriStar Home Video
Pub. Date
When a teen-age boy can't get anybody to believe that his neighbor is a vampire, he turns to a TV-horror host, who used to be the "Great Vampire Killer" of the movies.
Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
2001, c1988
While Pippi is sailing with her sea captain father, she is suddenly washed overboard and lost in a fierce storm. Pippi eventually drifts ashore to a small coastal town where she sets up house in an ancient vacated mansion. There, with her horse and monkey, Pippi begins a new life without any adult supervision.
11) Stand by me
Columbia TriStar Home Video
Pub. Date
This film about friendship and the indelible experiences of growing up takes place in a small Oregon town as four boys set out on a two-day search for a missing teenager's body, a search that turns into an odyssey of self-discovery.
13) The Caine mutiny
During World War II, onboard a ship in the U.S. Pacific Fleet, an event occurs unlike any that the United States Navy has ever experienced. A ship's captain is removed from his command by his executive officer in an apparent outright act of mutiny. As the trial of the mutineers unfold, it comes to light that Captain Queeg was mentally unstable, perhaps even insane. The Navy must then decide if the Caine Mutiny is a criminal act or an act of courage...
14) The Craft
Layout and Design Columbia TriStar Home Video
Pub. Date
A supernatural horror story filled with special effects, about a group of unpopular high-school girls who dabble in witchcraft. Once unleashed, the power becomes too much for them to handle, leading to a battle for control between Sarah, the new girl in the group, and power-crazed Nancy.
15) Oliver!
Appears on these lists
A young orphan, Oliver is left to fend for himself until he is befriended by a band of young thieves who quickly train him in their craft. But Oliver is not content to be a thief for he knows that life holds great joys and true happiness cannot be stolen, but must be earned.
16) The professional
Columbia TriStar Home Video
Pub. Date
1997, c1994
New York's top hit man becomes the unwilling guardian of his next-door neighbors' 12-year-old daughter and helps her track the psychotic agent who murdered her family so she can exact her revenge.
Columbia Pictures Industries
Pub. Date
High school biology teacher Scott Voss is desperate to save the music program at his cash-strapped school. Learning that fighting in MMA matches provides a pretty nice payout, Voss decides to put his former collegiate wrestling skills to the test and climb into the octagon. Unfortunately, Voss has been out of college for about 20 years. Does he have what it takes to beat the best and earn the cash the school desperately needs?
Spider-man Homecoming volume 1
A young Peter Parker, who made his sensational debut in Captain America: Civil War, begins to navigate his newfound identity as the web-slinging super hero. Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May, under the watchful eye of his new mentor Tony Stark. Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine, distracted by thoughts of proving himself.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
After the sudden death of her fiancé, Gray finds comfort in the company of his friends: lighthearted and comic Sam, hyper-responsible Dennis, and Dennis' old childhood buddy Fritz, an irresponsible playboy whom Gray had previously pegged as one of the least reliable people in the world. As secrets about her supposedly perfect fiancé emerge, Gray comes to see new sides of the man she thought she knew, and at the same time, finds herself drawn to...
20) Django unchained
Django, a former slave turned hired gun, heads back to the plantation to free his wife, Broomhilda, from the tyrannical plantation owner Calvin Candie, with the help of a German bounty hunter, Dr. King Shultz.