PART ONE: HERSEY AND POWER. ONE: Islam and the Abrahamic Faiths
- TWO: Power, Heresy, and the Evolution of Christianity
- THREE: Byzantium versus Rome: Warring Christian Polarities
- FOUR: Islam Meets Eastern Christianity
- FIVE: The Great Crusades (1095-1272)
- SIX: Shared Echoes: The Protestant Reformation and Islam
PART TWO: MEETING AT THE CIVILIZATIONAL BORDERS OF ISLAM. SEVEN: The Third Rome and Russia: Russia Inherits the Orthodox Legacy
- EIGHT: Russia and Islam: Byzantium Lives!
- NINE: Muslims in the West: Loyal Citizens or Fifth Column?
- ELEVEN: Islam and China
PART THREE: THE PLACE OF ISLAM IN THE MODERN WORLD. TWELVE: Colonialism, Nationalism, Islam, and the Independence Struggle
- THIRTEEN: War, Resistance, Jihad, and Terrorism
- FOURTEEN: What to Do? Toward a New Policy with the Muslim World.