v.1. Part 1 Methodological issues. The history of reading research / Richard L. Venezky --
Current traditions of reading research / Michael L. Kamil --
Design and analysis of experiments / Robert Calfee and Dorothy Piontkowski --
Ethnographic approaches to reading research / Larry F. Guthrie and William S. Hall --
Building and testing models of reading processes / Dominic W. Massaro --
Assessment in reading / Peter H. Johnston --
Part 2 Basic Processes : The state of the art. Models of the reading process / S. Jay Samuels and Michael L. Kamil --
Word Recognition / Philip B. Gough --
A schema-theoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension / Richard C. Anderson and P. David Pearson --
Listening and reading / Thomas G. Sticht and James H. James --
The structure of text / Bonnie J. F. Meyer and G. Elizabeth Rice --
Metacognitive skills and reading / Linda Baker and Ann L. Brown --
Directions in the sociolinguistic study of reading / David Bloom and Judith Green --
Social and motivational influences on reading / Allan Wigfield and Steven R. Asher --
Understanding figurative language / Andrew Ortony --
Individual differences and underlying cognitive processes / Rand J. Spiro and Ann Myers --
Part 3 Instructional practices : the state of the art. Early reading from a developmental perspective / Jana M. Mason --
Beginning reading instruction : from debate to reformation / Rebecca Barr --
Word identification / Dale D. Johnson and James F. Baumann --
Research on teaching reading comprehension / Robert J. Tierney and James W. Cunningham --
Studying / Thomas H. Anderson and Bonnie B. Armbruster --
Readability / George R. Klare --
Classroom instruction in reading / Barak Rosenshine and Robert Stevens --
Managing instruction . Wayne Otto, Anne Wolf and Roger G. Eldridge --
Oral reading / Richard L. Allington --
v.2. Part 1. Society and literacy --
The sense of being literate : historical and cross-cultural features / Shirley Brice Heath --
Literacy and Society with particular reference to the non-western world / Philip Foster and Alan Purves --
The development of literacy in the industrialized nations of the west / Richard L. Venezky --
Literacy acts / John T. Guthrie and Vincent Greaney
Linguistic diversity and reading in American society /
THe publishing industry and textbooks / Jeanne S. Chall and James R. Squire --
Politics, policy, and reading research / Patrick Shannon --
Task and format variables in reading research. Narrative representation and comprehension / Arthur Graesser, Jonathan M. Golding, and Debra L. Long --
Toward a model of acquiring procedures from text / Susan Bovair and David E. Kieras --
Expository Text / Charles A. Weaver and Walter Kintsch --
Research on the reading-writing relationship : interactions, transactions, and outcomes / Robert J. Tierney and Timothy Shanahan --
Classroom assessment of reading / Robert Calfee and Elfrieda Hiebert --
Computers in reading and writing / David Reinking and Lillian Bridwell-Bowles --
Typography and discourse / Robert Waller --
Constructs of reader process. Development of the ability to read words / Linnea C. Ehri --
Word recognition : changing perspectives / Keith E. Stanovich --
Research on response to literature / Richard Beach and Susan Hynds --
Mental models and reading comprehension / Timothy P. McNamara, Diana L. Miller, and John D. Bransford --
Individual differences in reading skills / Meredyth Daneman --
Perspectives on reading disability research / Karen K. Wixson and Marjorie Youmans Lipson --
Cognitive and neuropsycological foundations of word identification in poor and normally developing readers / Frank R. Vellutino and Martha B. Denckla --
The development of strategic readers / Scott G. Paris, Barbara A. Wasik and Julianne C. Turner --
Diagrams in the comprehension of scientific texts / Mary Hegarty, Patricia A. Carpenter and Marcel Adam Just --
Basic literacy skills in the workplace / Larry Mikulecky and Rad Drew --
Word meaning / Richard C. Anderson and WWilliamE. Nagy --
Part 4. Literacy and schooling. Emergent literacy / Elizabeth Sulzby and William Teale --
Beginning reading / Connie Juel --
Conditions of vocabulary acquisition/ Isabel Beck and Margaret McKeown --
Comprehension instruction / P. David Pearson and Linda Fielding --
Teachers' instructional actions / Laura R. Roehler and Gerald G. Duffy --
Grouping students for reading instruction / Rebecca Barr and Robert Dreeben --
Teacher and school effects in learning to read / James V. Hoffman --
Secondary School reading / Donna E. Alvermann and David W. Moore --
Remediation / Peter Johston and Richard Allington --
v.3. Reading research in Australia and Aotearoa, New Zealand / Ian A. G. Wilkinson, Peter Freebody, and John Elkins --
Reading research in the United Kingdom / Colin Harrison --
Education in transition: trends in Central and Eastern Europe / Kurtis S. Meredith and Jeannie L. Steele --
Literacy research in Latin America / Ileana Seda Santana --
Trends in reading research in the United States: changing intellectual currents over three decades / Janet S. Gaffney and Richard C. Anderson --
Making sense of classroom worlds: methodology in teacher research / James F. Baumann and Ann M. Duffy-Hester --
Designing programmatic interventions / Therese D. Pigott and Rebecca Barr --
Undertaking historical research in literacy / E. Jennifer Monaghan and Douglas K. Hartman --
Narrative approaches / Donna E. Alvermann --
Critical approaches / Marjorie Siegel and Susana Laura Fernandez --
Ethnographic approaches to literacy research / Susan Florio-Ruane and Mary McVee --
Verbal reports and protocol analysis / Peter Afflerbach --
A case for single-subject experiments in literacy research / Susan B. Neuman and Sandra McCormick --
Discourse and sociocultural studies in reading / James Paul Gee --
Research synthesis: making sense of the accumulation of knowledge in reading / Timothy Shanahan --
The neurobiology of reading and reading disability (dyslexia) / Bennett A. Shaywitz ... [et al.] --
Phonological and lexical processes / Usha Goswami --
Vocabulary processes / William E. Nagy and Judith A Scott --
Learning from text: a multidimensional and developmental perspective / Patricia A. Alexander and Tamara L. Jetton --
Structural aspects of constructing meaning from text / Susan R. Goldman and John A. Rakestraw, Jr. --
Classroom language and literacy learning / Louise C. Wilkinson and Elaine R. Silliman --
Children's literature / Lee Galda, Gwynne Ellen Ash, and Bernice E. Cullinan --
Research on response to literature / James Marshall --
Engagement and motivation in reading / John T. Guthrie and Allan Wigfield --
Emergent literacy: a matter (polyphony) of perspectives / David B. Yaden, Jr., Deborah W. Rowe, and Laurie MacGillivray --
Beginning reading instruction: research on early interventions/ Elfrieda H. Hibert and Barbara M. Taylor --
Phonological awareness / Benita A. Blachman --
Vocabulary instruction / Camille L. Z. Blachowicz and Peter Fisher --
Spelling / Shane Templeton and Darrell Morris --
What should comprehension instruction be the instruction of? / Michael Pressley --
Literature-based reading instruction / Lesley Mandel Morrow and Linda B. Gambrell --
Integrated literacy instruction / James R. Gavelek ... [et al.] --
The role of text in classroom learning / Suzanne E. Wade and Elizabeth B. Moje --
Reading in the content areas: social constructivist dimensions / Thomas W. Bean --
College studying / Sherrie L. Nist and Michele L. Simpson --
Re-mediating reading difficulties: appraising the past, reconciling the present, constructing the future / Laura Klenk and Michael W. Kibby --
Teacher research in the contact zone / Susan L. Lytle --
Teaching teachers to teach reading: paradigm shifts, persistent problems, and challenges / Patricia L. Anders, James V. Hoffman, and Gerald G. Duffy --
Literacy and technology: deictic consequences for literacy education in an information age / Donald J. Leu, Jr --
The effects of other technologies on literacy and literacy learning / Michael L. Kamil, Sam M. Intrator, and Helen S. Kim --
Second-language reading as a case study of reading scholarship in the 20th century / Elizabeth B. Bernhardt --
Bilingual children's reading / Georgia Earnest Garcia --
A multicultural perspective on policies for improving literacy achievement: equity and excellence / Kathryn H. Au --
Family Literacy / Victoria Purcell-Gates --
Intergenerational literacy within families / Vivain L. Gadsden --
Policy and instruction: what is the relationship? / Anne McGill-Franzen --
Policy-oriented research on literacy standards and assessment / Sheila W. Valencia and Karen K. Wixson --
v.4. Dedication / Michael L. Kamil and P. David Pearson --
Transitions : looking back and looking ahead / P. David Pearson and Michael L. Kamil --
Preface : reading research in a changing era : an introduction to the Handbook of reading research, volume IV / Michael L. Kamil ... [et al.] --
Researching the teaching of reading through direct observation : tools, methodologies, and guidelines for the future / James V. Hoffman, Beth Maloch, and Misty Sailors --
Methods of automated text analysis / Arthur C. Graesser, Danielle S. McNamara, and Max M. Louwerse --
Statistical modeling in literacy research / Christopher Schatschneider and Yaacov Petscher --
Designing and conducting literacy intervention research / Donald D. Deshler ... [et al.] --
Cultural perspectives in reading : theory and research / Robert Rueda --
Supporting early (and later) literacy development at home and at school : the long view / Jeanne R. Paratore, Christina M. Cassano, and Judith A. Schickedanz --
Primary grade reading / Barbara R. Foorman and Carol M. Connor --
Adolescents as readers / Patricia A. Alexander and Emily Fox --
Adult literacy (age 18 and beyond) / Greg Brooks --
The development of comprehension / Nell K. Duke and Joanne Carlisle --
Word recognition / Theresa A. Roberts, Catherine Christo, and John A. Shefelbine --
Orthographic processing in models of word recognition / Anne E. Cunningham, Ruth G. Nathan, and Katie Schmidt Raher --
Reading fluency / Timothy V. Rasinski ... [et al.] --
Oral discourse and reading / Joshua F. Lawrence and Catherine E. Snow --
Locating struggling readers in a reconfigured landscape : a conceptual review / Linda Kucan and Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar --
A dialogic turn in research on learning and teaching to comprehend / Ian A.G. Wilkinson and Eun Hye Son --
Toward a theory of word selection / William E. Nagy and Elfrieda H. Hiebert --
The development and teaching of word recognition skill / William E. Tunmer and Tom Nicholson --
The teaching and learning of critical literacy : beyond the "show of wisdom" / Peter Freebody and Jill M. Freiberg --
The role of text in disciplinary learning / Elizabeth Birr Moje ... [et al.] --
The classroom assessment of reading / Peter P. Afflerbach and Byeong-Young Cho --
The role of culture in literacy, learning, and teaching / Guofang Li --
Popular culture and literacy practices / Donna E. Alvermann --
Reading policy in the era of accountability / Cynthia E. Coburn, P. David Pearson, and Sarah Woulfin --
Reading and school reform / Barbara M. Taylor, Taffy E. Raphael, and Kathryn H. Au --
Professional development and teacher education for reading instruction / Deborah R. Dillon ... [et al.] --
Second language reading acquisition / Ludo Verhoeven --
Reading instruction for English language learners / Claude Goldenberg --
Literacy out of school : a review of research on programs and practices / David E. Kirkland and Glynda A. Hull --
Family literacy : a current view of research on parents and children learning together / Flora V. Rodríguez-Brown.