Introduction : breaking all the rules
Chapter 1. The measuring stick. A disaster off the Scilly Isles : what do we know to be important but are unable to measure?
The measuring stick : how can you measure human capital?
Putting the twelve to the test : does the measuring stick link to business outcomes?
A case in point : what do these discoveries mean for one particular company?
Mountain climbing : why is there an order to the twelve questions?
Chapter 2. The wisdom of great managers. Words from the wise : whom did Gallup interview?
What great managers know : what is the revolutionary insight shared by all great managers?
What great managers do : what are the four basic roles of a great manager?
The four keys : how do great managers play these roles?
Chapter 3. The first key : select for talent. Talent : how great managers define it : why does every role, performed at excellence, require talent?
The right stuff : why is talent more important than experience, brainpower, and willpower?
The decade of the brain : how much of a person can the manager change?
Skills, knowledge, and talents : what is the difference among the three?
The world according to talent : which myths can we now dispel?
Talent : how great managers find it : why are great managers so good at selecting for talent?
A word from the coach : John Wooden, on the importance of talent
Chapter 4. The second key : define the right outcomes. Managing by remote control : why is it so hard to manage people well?
Temptations : why do so many managers try to control their people?
Rules of thumb : when and how do great managers rely on steps?
What do you get paid to do? : how do you know if the outcomes are right?
Chapter 5. The third key : focus on strengths. Let them become more of who they already are : how do great managers release each person's potential?
Tales of transformation : why is it so tempting to try to fix people?
Casting is everything : how do great managers cultivate excellent performance so consistently?
Manage by exception : why great managers break the Golden Rule?
Spend the most time with your best people : why do great managers play favorites?
How to manage around a weakness : how do great manager turn a harmful weakness into an irrelevant nontalent?
Chapter 6. The fourth key : find the right fit. The blind, breathless climb : what's wrong with the old career path?
One rung doesn't necessarily lead to another : why do we keep promoting people to their level of incompetence?
Create heroes in every role : how to solve the shortage of respect
Three stories and a new career : what is the force driving the new career?
The art of tough love : how do great managers terminate someone and still keep the relationship intact?
Chapter 7. Turning the keys : a practical guide. The art of interviewing for talent : which are the right questions to ask?
Performance management : how do great managers turn the last three keys every day, with every employee?
Keys of your own : can an employee turn these keys?
Master keys : what can the company do to create a friendly climate for great managers?
Appendix A. The Gallup path to business performance : what is the path to sustained increase in shareholder value?
Appendix B. What the great managers said : what did great managers say to the three questions quoted in chapter 2?
Appendix C. A selection of talents : which talents are found most frequently across all roles?
Appendix D. Finding the twelve questions : how did Gallup find the twelve questions
Appendix E. The meta-analysis : what are the details of the meta-analysis?.