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Evolution volume 6-7
WGBH Boston Video
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In The mind's big bang: Between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago, something happened that triggered a creative, technological and social explosion, allowing humans to dominate the planet. What forces may have contributed to the emergence of the modern human mind? In What about God?: Of all the species on earth, only humans try to explain who they are and how they came to be. Encounter real stories of people struggling to find a balance between religion...
Tantor Audio
Pub. Date
In December 1929, in a cave near Peking, a group of anthropologists and archaeologists that included a young French Jesuit priest named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin uncovered a prehuman skull. The find quickly became known around the world as Peking Man and was acclaimed as the missing link between erect hunting apes and our Cro-Magnon ancestors. It also became a provocative piece of evidence in the roiling debate over creationism versus evolution.For...
Harvard University Press
Pub. Date
Creation versus evolution: What seems like a cultural crisis of our day, played out in courtrooms and classrooms across the county, is in fact part of a larger story reaching back through the centuries. The views of both evolutionists and creationists originated as inventions of the Enlightenment--two opposed but closely related responses to a loss of religious faith in the Western world. In his latest book, Michael Ruse, a preeminent authority on...
Bear & Company
Pub. Date
"An in-depth study of humanity's Anunnaki origins and the Anunnaki battle for an intelligent versus enslaved humanity Explains the genetic engineering of humanity by an Anunnaki scientist Ninmah Shows how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women arose from Enlil's will to keep humanity underdeveloped, clashing with Enki's and Ninmah's plan to make us equal in intelligence Reveals how humanity's long history of conflict was shaped by the battle...
Vivendi Visual Entertainment
Pub. Date
Ben Stein travels the world on a quest to learn an awe-inspiring truth - that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure, and even fired for merely believing that there might be evidence of 'design' in nature, and that perhaps life is not the result of accidental, random chance, but of intelligent design.
Docurama Films
Pub. Date
Tweaks egos and pokes fun at both sides in the evolution vs. intelligent design debate. From the shadowy, well-funded headquarters of the pro-intelligent design Discovery Institute in Seattle to the rarefied talk of scientists around a late-night poker table.
Rowan & Littlefield Education
Pub. Date
"In God vs. Darwin, Mano Singham dissects the legal battle between evolution and creationism in the classroom beginning with the Scopes Monkey trial in 1925 and ending with an intelligent design trial in Dover, Pennsylvania, in 2005. A publicity stunt, the Scopes Monkey trial had less to do with legal precedence than with generating tourism dollars for a rural Tennessee town. But the trial did successfully spark a debate that has lasted more than...