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"In 1784, travel wrenched Thomas Jefferson out of the darkest period of his life. He sailed to France a broken man, but on the road, he rediscovered a world of hidden beauty and penned a guide he called Hints for Americans Traveling in Europe. During a crisis of his own, Derek Baxter dares himself to follow Jefferson's route. On a series of journeys (piloting a Dutch canal boat, hiking the French Alps, and fishing in the Atlantic), Baxter follows...
"A two-hundred-year-old code devised by Thomas Jefferson becomes the key to a present-day conspiracy at the highest levels of Washington and the power elite of Palm Beach."--Provided by the publisher.
Wes Holloway, a cocky and ambitious presidential aide, puts Ron Boyle, the chief executive's oldest friend, into the presidential limousine. Minutes later, Wes is permanently disfigured, and Boyle is dead, the victim of a crazed assassin. Eight years...
"Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power" gives readers Jefferson the politician and president, a great and complex human being forever engaged in the wars of his era. Philosophers think; politicians maneuver. Jefferson's genius was that he was both and could do both, often simultaneously, catapulting him into becoming the most successful political leader of the early republic, and perhaps in all of American history.
In a narrative both panoramic and intimate, Chaffin captures the four-decade friendship of Thomas Jefferson and the Marquis de Lafayette.
Thomas Jefferson first met the Marquis de Lafayette in 1781, when the young French-born general was dispatched to Virginia to assist Jefferson, then the state's governor, in fighting off the British. The two could not have seemed more different. When Jefferson moved to Paris three years later as a diplomat, speaking...
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"Thomas Jefferson and John Adams could scarcely have come from more different worlds, or been more different in temperament. Jefferson, the optimist with enough faith in the innate goodness of his fellow man to be democracy's champion, was an aristocratic Southern slave owner, while Adams, the overachiever from New England's rising middling classes, painfully aware he was no aristocrat, was a skeptic about popular rule and a defender of a more elitist...
Oxford University Press
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Book I: The Education of Thomas Jefferson. 1. Fire!. 2. A Boy and His Books. 3. A Correct, Classical Scholar. 4. William and Mary. 5. The Williamsburg Circle. 6. The Limits of English Law. 7. A Shelf of Notebooks. 8. Becoming a Burgess. Book II: Family and Nation. 9. Domestic Life and Literary Pursuits. 10. Rude Bard of the North. 11. A Summary View of the Rights of British America. 12. The Pen and the Tomahawk. 13. The Declaration of Independence....
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This is the little-known story of how a newly independent nation was challenged by four Muslim powers and what happened when America's third president decided to stand up to intimidation. When Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801, America faced a crisis. The new nation was deeply in debt and needed its economy to grow quickly, but its merchant ships were under attack. Pirates from North Africa's Barbary coast routinely captured American sailors...
Gareth Stevens Publishing
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Thomas Jefferson is known as the writer of the Declaration of Independence and a champion of democracy, but there was much more to his life than just his writing. From his early life in Virginia to his later presidency and the Louisiana Purchase, the story of Jefferson s life is full of fun facts readers will love learning. Whether exploring the details of his time in France or in George Washington s cabinet as the Founding Fathers created the framework...
Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of W. W. Norton & Company
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Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Annette Gordon-Reed teams up with the country's leading Jefferson scholar, Peter S. Onuf, to present an absorbing and revealing character study that finally clarifies the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson. Tracing Jefferson's development and maturation from his youth to his old age, the authors explore what they call the "empire" of Jefferson's imagination--his expansive state of mind born of the intellectual influences...
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The Constitution was two years old and the United States was in serious danger. Bitter political rivalry between former allies and two surging issues that inflamed the nation led to grim talk of breaking up the union. Then a single great evening achieved compromises that led to America's great expansion. This book celebrates Thomas Jefferson and his two guests, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, and the meal that saved the republic. In Dinner at...
As soon as Thomas Jefferson learned to read, he found his passion: books, books, and more books! Before, during, and after the American Revolution, Jefferson collected thousands of books on hundreds of subjects. In fact, his massive collection eventually helped rebuild the Library of Congress - now the largest library in the world. Barb Rosenstock's rhythmic words and John O'Brien's whimsical illustrations capture Jefferson's love for the written...
Is there anything new to say about Thomas Jefferson and slavery? The answer is a resounding yes. Master of the Mountain, Henry Wiencek's eloquent, persuasive book-based on new information coming from archaeological work at Monticello and on hitherto overlooked or disregarded evidence in Jefferson's papers-opens up a huge, poorly understood dimension of Jefferson's world. We must, Wiencek suggests, follow the money.
So far, historians have offered...
"Notes on the State of Virginia" is the only full-length book by Thomas Jefferson published during his lifetime. Jefferson first published the book anonymously in a private and limited-edition printing in Paris in 1785 while he was serving as a trade representative for the new American government. "Notes on the State of Virginia" was later made available to the general public in a 1787 printing in London by John Stockdale. Jefferson's detailed description...
Two centuries ago, without congressional or public debate, Thomas Jefferson, a president who is thought of today as peaceable, launched America's first war on foreign soil—a war against terror. The enemy was Muslim; the war was waged unconventionally, with commandos, native troops, and encrypted intelligence, and launched from foreign bases.
For nearly two hundred years, the Barbary pirates had haunted the Mediterranean, enslaving
Dutton Children's Books
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Celebrated for her nonfiction books aimed at young readers, award-winning author Suzanne Tripp Jurmain illuminates historical figures in fun and engaging ways. Worst of Friends draws listeners into the earliest days of America's history to profile the friendship and rivalry that grew between Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, both of whom would go on to become president of the United States.
A real-life thriller, the true story of the unheralded American who brought the Barbary Pirates to their knees.
In an attempt to stop the legendary Barbary Pirates of North Africa from hijacking American ships, William Eaton set out on a secret mission to overthrow the government of Tripoli. The operation was sanctioned by President Thomas Jefferson, who at the last moment grew wary of "intermeddling" in a foreign government and sent Eaton off without...