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Bondcliff Books
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"'Logging Railroads along the Pemigewasset River' by retired forester and longtime rail buff Bill Gove tells the fascinating story of the golden age of lumbering and railroading in the Pemigewasset River Valley of New Hampshire's White Mountains. Based on more than three decades of research, Gove's book examines the history of the various logging operations that worked the Pemi watershed for a period of nearly 50 years. Among the logging railroads...
Arcadia Publishing
Pub. Date
"Built by James Everell Henry, the East Branch & Lincoln Railroad (EB&L) is considered to be the grandest and largest logging railroad operation ever built in New England. In 1892, the mountain town of Lincoln, New Hampshire, was transformed from a struggling wilderness enclave to a thriving mill town when Henry moved his logging operation from Zealand. He built houses, a company store, sawmills, and a railroad into the East Branch of the Pemigewasset...