Catalog Search Results
The Connecticut Lakes region is the last great frontier of the North Country. Forming the extreme northern tip of the state, it offers the only port of entry from Canada into New Hampshire. It includes Pittsburg, the most sizable township in the country-three hundred thousand acres in all-and the beautiful and wild Connecticut Lakes. Its fascinating history glistens in the two-hundred-plus images of New Hampshire's Connecticut Lakes Region. Pictured
...Portsmouth Cemeteries, a photographic study of this city's cemeteries, uncovers a compelling history of the area from the Colonial era to the 1900s. These cemeteries provide a direct link to the past, where many stories are told in stone.The gravestones and monuments feature unusual works of art, and the inscriptions act as documents that preserve family histories, valiant military service, and memories of those lost at sea. Through the author's
...New Hampshire's Cornish Colony illustrates this distinguished American art colony. First settled in 1885 by colleagues of America's Michelangelo, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the Cornish Colony was a retreat for sculptors, painters, writers, and musicians. They were attracted to this peaceful valley nestled in the New Hampshire hills in the shadow of Vermont's Mount Ascutney. Known as "the Athens of America," the Cornish Colony was a lively, glamorous
...This fascinating and moving book brings to life the industrial and immigrant experience which gave birth to Manchester in the nineteenth century and continued to shape the city's destiny well into the twentieth century. More than a hundred years ago, thousands of immigrants from Europe and Canada were drawn to the mills of Manchester by the promise of a better life. In stirring photographs and text, Manchester: The Mill and the Immigrant Experience